KiPiDi Entrepreneurship Programme

A new and innovative programme designed to provide township entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to start and grow their own business.

Course Details

  • Certification: KiPiDi Biz College Certificate of Achievement
  • Duration: 8 classes over 4 weeks
  • Teaching Time: 4 consecutive weeks, 2 days per week
  • Hours per Class: 5 hours
  • Language: English, Zulu, Sotho

Course Overview

KiPiDi Entrepreneurship Programme is an innovative programme designed to empower participants in South Africa’s informal economy by providing them with essential entrepreneurship knowledge and skills. The programme’s uniqueness lies in its approach of bringing education directly to the doorstep of under-resourced communities, where access to traditional educational facilities and entrepreneurship programs is limited.

KiPiDi Entrepreneurship Programme:

  • offers a tailored curriculum that addresses the specific needs and challenges faced by informal entrepreneurs.
  • is designed to cater to participants who may not have a tertiary level of education or who cannot afford traditional entrepreneurship programmes. It aims to be inclusive, bridging the educational and financial gaps that often hinder entrepreneurship in the informal sector.
  • emphasizes practical skills that participants can immediately apply to their informal businesses thereby enhancing their ability to identify and launch a successful business.
  • become a member of the KiPiDi Community, network with likeminded individuals and showcase your business.

Course Curriculum

  • Module 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  • Module 2: Idea Creation & Evaluation
  • Module 3: Developing a Business Model
  • Module 4: Developing a Marketing Plan
  • Module 5: Developing a Sales Plan
  • Module 6: Financial Modelling & Costing
  • Module 7: Formalisation & Action Planning
  • Module 8: Pitching Skills

Course Outcomes

Upon completing the programme participants will be able to:

  • recognise and understand the characteristics displayed by successful entrepreneurs if they are to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and convert intention into action.
  • create ideas and identify opportunities as well as evaluate the fruits of their creativity for further development.
  • model business ideas using the Lean Canvas.
  • develop a marketing plan using the 7 Ps.
  • develop a sales plan using a simple 6 step sales process.
  • cost products and services as well as model the business financially.
  • formalise their business.
  • develop an action plan and go to market strategy.
  • pitch their business idea to funders.

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